Questions? Call: 515-822-0203
Iowa Support Master vs. any other option...
"I have been using Iowa Support Master for the last 15 years in my family law practice. Over those years, Alft & Wilson Publishing has always kept their program up to date with changes in the Tax Code, the Iowa Child Support Guidelines, and technology. They have also supported family law attorneys and events around the State of Iowa, giving free presentations on their software at family law seminars, providing raffle prizes and sponsorships, and above all, handling phone calls at all hours of the day and night from attorneys with guideline or program questions. Alft & Wilson stand behind their program and more importantly, they support it. Their work in developing, maintaining, and growing Iowa Support Master is deeply personal. I am grateful for their dedication to providing quality software that has helped thousands of Iowa families with support obligations for many, many years." AJ Skogerson, THE LAW SHOP BY SKOGERSON McGINN LLC, Van Meter, Iowa. On the web:
We are the standard... No program has the features and help that we provide. Check out this short YouTube instructional video and see if any other program does this... YouTube Video - Who should claim the kids...
Program Support The phone numbers in the left margin are our cell phone numbers. Call anytime. We answer our phone. We provide instant support concerning the Guidelines and technical support. When your back is against the wall, Sunday night, and you need help... call us.
Free Training Need help? Call. We will schedule a time to walk you through calculations from start to finish. Included in the price of the program.
Download and Online Versions We work on any device. iPad. Laptop. Apple (with the installation of VmWare Fusion).
Online Version Our professional, online version of Iowa Support Master is state-of-the-art. Not only do we produce Forms 1 and 2, we also provide our special "Analysis Page" as well as the all new, Affidavit of Non-Representation. And we have more forms coming for both the desktop and online versions.
Free client referral service Sign up to be listed for client referrals through our free, online child support estimation program. Users from all across Iowa use our free calculator and when they do, they will get the results along with the names of lawyers in their area who handle these cases. You can be on that list for free. Open the program and click on the "HELP" button.
Unbundled Legal Services We offer free listings on our litigant assistance page on the Internet. If you offer unbundled legal services and want to be listed, send an email to or call Pat Wilson at 515-822-0203. Click Here to see the page that litigants see.
Help Files and Guides Iowa Support Master is loaded with help files and handy guides you can print. They will walk you through the most difficult of tasks. These forms are step-by-step forms to help you calculate support using Iowa Support Master. Check out a sample: Click Here to see our IPERS step-by-step guide.
Free Forms We provide more forms than you can shake a stick at. Forms 1 and 2. Affidavit of Financial Status. Affidavit of Non-Representation. Wage Withholding Order. Cover Page. Wage Analysis. We are adding new forms as we go along. Is there a form you need? Ask.
Edit Forms You may freely edit our forms. You may select your favorite word processor and edit your forms in that program.
College Expense Calculator It's in the program. Look for the button on the main screen. We do the math and provide you with the reasoning and support.
Special Ops If you haven't clicked on our Special Ops button, you are missing out on using one of the best features of Iowa Support Master. It is here that you will find the feature "Tax Effects - Claiming the Kids". With the click of your mouse, you can change who claims which kids and see instant support results.

Income Beyond the Guidelines - High Income Help Don't you wish you had this problem .... but when you do, we are here to help. In cases where the income runs off the guidelines scale, we provide a formula to assist you.
Spousal Support Predictor Over the years, we have hired Drake Law students to research spousal support rulings. You will benefit from our investment. Name another software program that does this.
Analysis Page This is a side-by-side comparison of all the numbers. Print and hand it to the judge and everybody will be happy except for the one using some other program! Click Here to see an example of our Analysis Page. Scroll down the page and look at the information and advice provided.
Goof Proof Health Insurance Expenses You cannot mess up using Iowa Support Master. Impossible... well, maybe. If you do, we will tell you about it.
Instant Results Iowa Support Master displays instant calculation results. Right on the main screen.
Free Webinars We have host free webinars for our users. CLE is always applied for and has always been approved.
Blended Custody Formulas If you ever have a case where say there are three children, two will be in shared custody and one in primary care, you will want to check out this feature of Iowa Support Master.
We have been producing Iowa's premier child support calculation since 1994. We estimate that more than 2,500 judges, lawyers, legal assistants and secretaries use Iowa Support Master. The software is in use from Nebraska to Illinois and Missouri to Minnesota.